Media Contacts Database
Reach more media contacts in less time
Upload your own contacts and expand your reach with our 60,000+ updated journalists.
Auto-build your media lists
Create instant media lists with our auto-build feature
Keep track of media engagement
Keep up to date on your agency or teams closest media relationships over multiple campaigns
Share with your team
No more mad scramble when a colleague goes on leave. Share lists anyone can access, any time.
Ireland & UK
Everhaze offers an extensive media database across the UK and Ireland, boasting over 23,000 up-to-date editorial contacts. This comprehensive resource spans 42 verticals, ensuring you can connect with the right journalists in your industry. Whether your focus is automotive, business, fashion, technology, manufacturing, or any other sector, Everhaze provides the connections you need to amplify your message.
"Everhaze's extensive media database across Europe has been a game-changer for our PR efforts. Its comprehensive and up-to-date listings have enabled us to connect with the right journalists and outlets, amplifying our message across the continent."
Lars Kitzmann, PR Director, Euro Comms
With more than 40,000 media contacts across North America, Europe and Asia, Everhaze gives you the capability to take your news global.
Our comprehensive resource also includes regional contacts across the world, ensuring you can connect locally and nationally. Everhaze empowers you to amplify your message and build meaningful relationships with media professionals.
Insights & Flexibility
Everhaze gives agencies and teams unparalleled media list management capabilities based on user. From list merging to keyword filtering, auto-build features to auto update features, we have made managing your data easy.
Eliminate excel sheets and retain key media knowledge with our smart media list manager.